Archive for month: June, 2016


Research Shows Voice Input is Overtaking Typing on Smartphones

Voice as a Computing Interface is exponentially faster than typing, it is easier than typing, and computers are finally intelligent enough to understand 95% of what is said… compared to just 70% in 2010.  And people are using it more and more.  Just as Responsive Web Design has become a necessity since more people search on their phones and tablets, so too is having a Natural Language Search Engine that understands what these millions of shoppers are saying.

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EasyAsk – The Evolution of Mobile Commerce with Amazon-like Voice Search

EasyAsk Technologies is increasing its reach to retailers who need a stronger solution in the mobile commerce (mCommerce) space. EasyAsk’s genius search and merchandising technology is in lockstep with the current mobile, voice-enabled trend toward mCommerce.voice-to-text Read More

Ready to see how EasyAsk's eCommerce solution can help you? Request a demo!
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