Archive for month: July, 2018


Optimizing for Voice Search is Crucial to Your Future

Do your search marketers have a plan for voice search optimization? According to research from BrightEdge, 31 percent of marketers see voice search as the next big thing. However, approximately 62 percent have no plans to prepare for voice search.

Jim Yu’s article sets out the ‘three Cs’ of optimizing for voice search: Conversation, Content, and Context. Read More


IRCE: what you missed in Chicago

Outstanding pizza and fireworks at Navy Pier are reason enough to visit Chicago, but the industry’s largest eCommerce event, the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE), didn’t fail to equip and inspire as it held its 14th annual event in the city last month.

The EasyAsk team had a great time attending discussions, presentations, and networking sessions, as well as running a booth in the exhibit hall. We were able to impress visitors with solutions to the challenge that emerged over the 4 days: how to maximize mobile shoppers. Read More

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