Archive for category: Case Studies


Case Study – TrueValue Hardware

As a retailer, when you have shoppers in your brick‐and‐mortar store, it’s imperative that the best customer service is available to them. After all, the “hot” customers are on site and could at any moment reach out for a product and buy it. The same level of service should be available in your online store. However, many need extra information before making that purchase. And if their questions aren’t answered, you stand to lose a sale and potentially a long‐term customer.  This case study shows how True Value provides this level of service to employees and customers for a win-win experience.

By implementing EasyAsk’s advanced search, navigation and merchandising solution, True Value Hardware delivered rapid improvement to the customer experience on their standard e-commerce sites and their mobile commerce sites. Customer can now easily find any product from True Value’s 65,000 SKU catalog using natural language searches.

Click the button below to download this compelling customer case study.

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