Archive for month: August, 2016


Search Laboratory: Rock ‘n’ Roll Lab Rats

Reprinted from our friends at Andertons Music Company, an EasyAsk customer in the U.K.

Originally posted on January 28th 2016 at 17:52 by from Andertons
Part of our “Behind the Scenes” series

No no no no no! Search Laboratory: Avoiding having to tell our customers this!

No no no no no! Search Laboratory: Avoiding having to tell our customers this!

Last month we wrote about making use of dedicated site search technology by EasyAsk to improve the experience for our online browsing community. We also manually optimise our site search to ensure it continually returns the best results for you.

Behemoths of search like Google & Bing are incredibly good at interpreting users’ questions. We figured that all we needed was billions of dollars and a crack team of – say – nine hundred people, and we too could build ourselves an infallible
search engine that could basically read peoples’ minds.

Unfortunately, the combined resources of the web team piggy bank and the sales office swear jar (someone has clearly been neglecting to pay their dues into that swear jar) only amounted to £4.60.

We needed a humanised process to continually keep our site search performing exceptionally. The Andertons Search Laboratory was born.

What is Search Lab?

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