Archive for month: May, 2010


EasyAsk E-Commerce Search Datasheet

Keeping your site easy to search and navigate and making it well merchandised is critical to bettering your conversion rates. Customers using EasyAsk have the highest sales conversion rates in the industry (as measured by Nielsen NetRatings) and have dramatically increased their e-commerce revenues due to the superior search, navigation and merchandising that the EasyAsk software delivers.

The EasyAsk search solution goes far beyond traditional site search, delivering unprecedented accuracy and precision to deliver the products customers on the first page every time. EasyAsk allows allows buyers to enter highly descriptive searches to find products faster and enables merchandisers to create highly targeted offers and promotions to sell more products.

Download the EasyAsk E-Commerce Search datasheet to learn more.

Ready to see how EasyAsk's eCommerce solution can help you? Request a demo!
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