Tag Archive for: tenses


Increase Conversion by Boosting Product Findability

Finding products is the first stage in any purchase process. Since more than 80% of internet purchase involve search (Brett Gilbertson – Conversionrate.com, 2011), the search box is the most important part of your site to drive purchases.

Understanding customer behavior on your site – in particular how customers find products – allows you to be more effective in converting browsers to buyers. As your site traffic grows, you will attract a much a wider diversity of visitors, creating new and varied behavior patterns that your site needs to support.  For example, newer visitors unfamiliar with your products may misspell words or use different “forms” of words (tenses, plurals, etc.) when conducting a search. If your e-commerce search is not tolerant of this behavior, then these visitors will get the dreaded “no results” page and will likely abandon the site.

Here you can see a site example for Tacoma Screw Products, an EasyAsk customer. You can see the automatic spell correction performed by EasyAsk to spell correct “fastenrs” to “fasteners.”
















In our new white paper, Increase Customer Conversion by Boosting Product Findability, we explore a new set of customer behavior patterns than impact your site. The paper offers ways in which you can improve your site with e-commerce search and online merchandising to better serve your customers and boost your conversion rates.

Please visit our white paper landing page to download this free white paper.

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