
EasyAsk to Show Significant Advantages of Natural Language E-Commerce Search over Obsolete Keyword Search at IRCE 2014

EasyAsk will showcase dozens of customer sites who upgraded from keyword search solutions from their e-commerce platform, SOLR and other 3rd party solutions.


INTERNET RETAILER CONFERENCE AND EXPO, CHICAGO, IL, USA – JUNE 9, 2014 – EasyAsk (, the leading independent e-commerce site search provider as ranked by Internet Retailer, will be showcasing the significant advantages of natural language search, navigation and merchandising over obsolete keyword search products at the Internet Retailer Conference and Expo, June 10th through June 12th in Chicago.

At IRCE 2014, EasyAsk will be showcasing a large number of customer sites of e-retailers and B2B commerce firms who moved to EasyAsk’s natural language based solution.  Many of these customers could not get the results they needed from the search in their e-commerce platform, open source solutions such as SOLR or other 3rd party site search solutions – all based on keyword search technology.

Customers are gaining significant business results from EasyAsk including dramatic increases in customer conversion rates, higher Average Order Value (AOV), and rises in e-commerce revenue.  EasyAsk e-retail customers include The North Face (North America and Europe), Samsonite, Anna’s Linens, Journey’s, Boscov’s, J. Jill, True Value, Andertons Music, Jo-Ann, Lamps Plus, Personalization Mall, Sonic Sense, HD Tracks, Totsy and Travers Tools.  Leading B2B commerce firms are using EasyAsk also including Aramark, Kaman, Tenaquip, and C.H. Briggs, and EasyAsk is embedded in Infor Corporation’s B2B commerce solution, Infor Storefront.

The North Face Europe recently completed the implementation of EasyAsk on 11 sites across 9 different countries, seeing a 35% increase in search conversion rates and a 24% increase in revenue from search.

EasyAsk’s solution offer significantly superior features for site search, navigation and merchandising, including:

  • Natural language search
  • Advanced visual Search-as-you-Type (SayT) auto-suggestion
  • Algorithmic spell-correction and stemming, along with term relaxation,
  • Dynamic navigation multi-attribute selection,
  • Derived attributes and categories,
  • Part number search expanders,
  • SKU processing and grouping,
  • Easy to use merchandising studio with natural language rules,
  • Rich analytics and reports on customer behavior,
  • Full internationalization and localization,

EasyAsk works on any e-commerce platform with specific tight integrations with Magento, WebSphere Commerce, SAP Hybris, and NetSuite SuiteCommerce.

During IRCE 2014, EasyAsk will be continually showing customer sites and product demonstrations in their booth (#508).  A number of mini-sessions will be held at the EasyAsk booth by Ben Rudnick, e-commerce expert and EasyAsk’s “man in the green hat” to show how leading e-retailers are leapfrogging their competition with site search with significant advances in the EasyAsk solution.  The schedule for these sessions is as follows:

Tuesday, June 10th:

5:30 PM        E-Retailers Changing the Competitive Landscape with Natural Language Search

Wednesday, June 11th

10:00 AM     How Search-as-you-Type Changed the Tune at Anderton’s Music & Sonic Sense

11:00 AM     Live Sites using Natural Language Search, Navigation and Merchandising

1:00 PM        Making Part Number Search Easy with Natural language

2:00 PM        Using Voice-enabled Mobile Search to Hear Your Customers Clearly

3:00 PM        Live Sites using Natural Language Search, Navigation and Merchandising

Thursday, June 12th

10:00 AM     Using Voice-enabled Mobile Search to Hear Your Customers Clearly

11:00 AM     Live Sites using Natural Language Search, Navigation and Merchandising

1:00 PM        Making Part Number Search Easy with Natural language

2:00 PM        How Search-as-you-Type Changed the Tune at Anderton’s Music & Sonic Sense

3:00 PM        Live Sites using Natural Language Search, Navigation and Merchandising

Please join us and we look forward to seeing you at IRCE 2014.


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