
Voice-Enabled Mobile Search: The Differentiation You Need

The mobile commerce market is growing rapidly and playing an increasingly important role in any e-comemrce strategy.  The numbers are staggering.  The U.S. Retail Mobile Commerce market growing 70% last year to $42 billion, and forecasted to more than triple to $133 billion by 2018.  By 2018, mobile commerce will be 27% of all U.S. e-commerce sales.

Every e-retailer is taking a hard look at their mobile commerce strategy seeking ways to grow their share of the pie and differentiate in an increasingly crowded market.

Studies have shown that search plays a very strong role in the customer experience in mobile commerce.  The limited screen size and user interfaces on mobile devices push consumers to go directly to the search box to find the products they want on every mobile commerce site.

Voice-enabled mobile search is a tremendous way to differentiate from competitors through an engaging customer experience that will convert more customers and drive more revenue.

Please take a moment to watch our compelling voice-enabled mobile search video that can provide your mobile commerce site with the differentiation you need.




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