Watson, come here, I need you. (to be clear, Mr. is at the beginning of this quote) Famous phrase uttered by Alexander Graham Bell, the voice-over-wire transmission.
Elementary, my dear Watson. A famous Sherlock Holmes line, never written by Arthur Conan Doyle, by the way. Straight out of the movies.
So, Watson has always been widely recognized. But now Watson is EVERYWHERE , and with good reason. We congratulate IBM for their impressive (and expensive) accomplishments in building a Natural Language solution designed to win at Jeopardy. We understand the enormity of the challenge. After all, we’ve been building Natural Language solutions for Ecommerce and Business Solutions for a decade.
What IBM Watson did for Jeopardy, we do for you, our customers. If you’re an EasyAsk ecommerce customer, we put the search results on the very first page. Every time. If you’re using EasyAsk for Business, we provide your end users instant answers to their complex questions like: ‘who bought products last year, but not last quarter?’
So we can be your own company ‘Watson’, except for one thing. Watson got a few questions wrong. When we deploy our solutions on your site:
. . . we won’t put your business in jeopardy.