
Search-as-you-Type completely transforms your search box into a sales box

Once upon a time the search box was a mundane rectangle sitting in the upper part of an e-commerce site.  It served a purpose and sites that recognized the need for good e-commerce search enabled their customers to find what they were looking for.  Simple features such as auto-complete and search suggestions helped guide visitors in their search process.

EasyAsk Search-as-you-Type (SayT) takes the e-commerce search box to a whole new level, transforming your search box into a “sales box.”  SayT goes far beyond auto-complete and suggestions, allowing visitors to navigate a large and complex range of products directly within the search box.

SayT provides optimized suggestions for products, categories, navigational attributes and content as the visitor types.  With the click of a single item in the SayT list, the customer is whisked to the product they are looking for.  SayT converts visitors into buyers quickly and easily.

SayT was one of the main reasons Andertons Music selected EasyAsk for its’ e-commerce search, navigation and merchandising needs, and helped the company deliver record growth last year.

Watch this short video to learn more about the revolutionary Search-as-you-Type capability for e-commerce search and see how it can transform the customer experience on your e-commerce site.


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